man repairing computer with new pc parts

No part of the supply chain was left untouched during the pandemic, especially the PC parts industry. With production and delivery disrupted by global lockdowns, the availability of essential components has become a major concern for many tech enthusiasts—the price of graphic cards alone doubled.

If you need a replacement or want to build your own PC but are shocked by the prices, you’re not alone. Not to mention the lack of availability of many parts. Whether from the pandemic or the cost of R&D, PC parts prices have been steadily climbing. To know how you can access the parts you need, here’s a run down on the price spike.

PC Parts Prices in 2020 vs 2023: Will They Be Dropping?

You might not want to hear this but it looks like the price of GPUs and other PC parts won’t be dropping anytime soon. Popular suppliers seem committed to their current prices and we know that scalpers often take advantage of lower prices.

But there is some good news! For a while, there was no way to even access graphic cards, no matter the price. 

But now, with availability becoming more stable, you can find the parts you need.  Especially if you’re a business that needs access to quality graphic cards, you should consider partnering with an experienced distributor.

They have the connections and know-how to get you the parts necessary for your projects without breaking the bank. With their help, you can make sure that your project meets its timeline and budget—and still get quality parts.

It’s also worth mentioning that prices in 2023 could shift—especially since major players like Nvidia and AMD released their new GPUs in late 2022. This could help drive down pricing as retailers introduce discounts to move older models off shelves.

Why Are GPUs So Expensive Compared to 2020?

We all know that prices jumped during the pandemic due to supply chain issues. For GPUs, however, there may be more to the story. New graphics cards are constantly being released with better specs to meet the demands of growing tech trends.

R&D costs and increasing demand mean that manufacturers have little incentive to drop prices—even when supply chain issues are resolved. That’s why it’s important to consider partnering with a reliable distributor instead of relying on retail prices alone.

Bottom Line: Are the Parts You Need Available Today?

The short answer is yes! With distributors, like TrinWare, there are plenty of ways to get the parts you need at an affordable price. Do your research, and as long as you’re working with a reliable partner, you should have no trouble getting your project up and running in no time.

Stop Worrying About PC Part Prices—Work With TrinWare

For businesses that depend on reliable parts and timely delivery, this hike in prices has taken its toll on your projects. At TrinWare, we specialize in supplying quality PC parts to businesses like yours so you can focus on what matters: completing your project on time and on budget.

Whether you need hardware for CAD or your newest game console, we’ll get it to you. Contact our team today to find out how we can help you get the hardware that you need!